It’s coming up on time to winterize and store your water feature pumps. We recommend that all pumps are pulled out of the water features and stored in a warm place. For the mag-drive pumps (FP, MD, TT, TW Series pumps) we recommend that you would clean these pumps at this time before storing. For the direct drive pumps (SH, PAF, A&L Series) we recommend you pull out and store in an area that is not below freezing with the exception of the SH series pumps. We recommend storing the SH series pumps in a bucket of water to protect the seal. Below are a few videos from Atlantic Water Gardens on cleaning the mag drive pumps and winterizing water features.
Cleaning your TidalWave TT-Series Pump
Cleaning your TidalWave MD-Series Pump
How to Clean your TidalWave Fountain Pump
How to Clean your TidalWave TW-Series Pump
Winterizing your Basin Kit
How to Winterize your Pond
Winterizing your Eco-Blox Fountain