Please Join us in Support of Aurora Theater Shooting Hero: Joshua Nowlan
On July 20th, 2012 a shooter opened fire on a crowd of 400 moviegoers in an Aurora, CO movie theater. As attendees scattered heading for the nearest exits, Joshua Nowlan instead used his body to physically shield and protect his friend’s wife from the gunfire. In the process, Joshua was shot first in the left leg and then again in the right arm by an AR-15 assault rifle. The road to recovery has been a trying one for Joshua riddled with persistent excruciating pain, both physically and emotionally. We here at CPS have been deeply touched by Joshua’s story and we invite all who are also moved by Joshua’s story to join us in support of his upcoming surgery on January 5th, 2018 to amputate his left leg below the knee. The medical costs of this procedure, even after insurance, are staggering: $50,000. The surgery is scheduled at Swedish Medical Center, with an expected recovery time of 3 to 6 months, where he’ll be unable to work his job in the IT field. Recovery will be physical and mental: wound healing, muscle strengthening, preventing falls, phantom limb pains, and finally learning to walk again using a prosthesis. The end goal? His doctors are 90% certain that Joshua will have very little to no pain at all once he’s recovered from the amputation.
What Makes a Hero?
A hero defined is “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” If you asked Joshua Nowlan, he would tell you he isn’t a hero, however, if you asked us here at CPS we would tell you that Joshua is even more than a hero. A Navy veteran that sacrificed his own body for the protection of others during a mass shooting. A man who even after being shot twice by an AR-15 assault rifle was more concerned about the victims and lives around him than his own dire situation. We admire Joshua and we are amazed by his courage, will and strength during the utmost adversity. We invite you to please click the link below to learn more about Joshua’s story and if you feel compelled to give please make a donation to help a true hero. Even if you don’t give, sharing the YouCaring page on social media or emailing to friends can go a long way towards helping Joshua reach his goals.